Friday, February 20, 2015

Designing and Creating Structures from Around the World

written by Emma
Over the past few weeks, we have been learning about structures and we got a chance to build a structure.  I built Big Ben with Rhianne.  We used a shoe box, a snack box, and two toothpaste boxes.  First we had to put together our structures then we got to paint them.  It was really fun learning about structures.  There is so much that we learned!

written by Heather
My class built structures out of recyclables.  We painted our structures.  I was lucky because the teacher said that we had to choose off of the board, but she said that she was surprised that my structure was not on the board.  She let me do it!  I created the Golden Gate bridge.

written by Rowan
Over the last few weeks we talked about structures.  Every class made structures.  Everyone in our class picked a structure.  I was the only one in our class to pick the Empire State Building.  The materials we used were paint, hot glue, paper, popsicle sticks and lots more recyclable materials.  It was awesome and fun to make our structures!


1 comment:

  1. I have been so impressed with the passion and level of engagement that has been exuded by students and staff during this inquiry project with structures! What a fascinating way to learn about design, form, and function by building, creating, and designing famous buildings in the world. I have been amazed by the intricate and detailed craftsmanship and by the facts each one of you have shared about your buildings and the cities in which they are located. Did you know that when you have been working on these projects, you have not only been learning about Science, but utilizing important skills such as creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, communication, citizenship, and character? Also, you have been engaged in not only Science, but Literacy, Math, Social Studies, the most profound way! I know that many of you will continue to explore and wonder about other famous structures in the world....and I wouldn't be surprised if you became engineers, architects, artists, or carpenters when you get older. Congratulations to all of you !!
