Friday, November 14, 2014

Grade 7s visit Mrs. Michaluk's class

Mrs. Grimolfson's grade 7 class visited in October to share their Science books with us.  They were very interesting.  We love learning about animals and we really LOVE Science!  When we were finished reading the books, we showed some of the grade 7s our exploration spaces.  We hope they come back to visit us for Exploration time!

1 comment:

  1. What could be better than learning together with other students of all different ages? It is also so much fun to collaborate! It sounds like you had a great time reading and exploring Science with the Grade 7 students from Dr. George Johnson School. We look forward to having you come and visit again soon, and we can't wait to come and visit you too. Congratulations to all students for your hard work. Science rocks!!
